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 I want to work for you. We need to create more living wage jobs, a top priority, and get things done.


I will eliminate the Federal Department of  Education, put the States back in control of education.
I will repeel the Affordable Healthcare Act, and not replace it, but rather pass a bill that would allow insurance companies to sell across state lines. Limit insurance companies to a five percent profit, making them spend ninety five percent on patient care. Giving Americans a choice.
What would I do the first day in office, I would repeal the Ethanol laws of 2005 and 2007. These laws are the main reason our food prices are so high and still going up. We don't need to raise the min-wage, we need to lower the cost of living. What made this country great was affordable food. How many of you know someone who has become a millionaire? I don't know any. I would shut down the EPA, that's right I would fire everyone of them. The States already have Environmental Agencies, and would be better than the Federal Government at protecting it's citizens. The EPA has become the enemy of the state, and is the main cause for the rise in the cost of living in this country.


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